After Care

St. Mary School offers child care after school from 3pm until 6pm for our enrolled school children. Our caring and competent staff works to understand and meet the needs of each child in our care.


It is our desire to develop a flexible, developmentally appropriate “play” and “success” oriented environment that integrates the Catholic faith and compliments the home and school by encouraging physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth and positive feelings of self-worth.

Monthly Rate Covers:

  • After school care M-F (all 5 days)
  • Developmentally appropriate “play” and “success” oriented environment

Your Investment: $360/month

Interested? Email Principal Eric Pfeifer at to sign-up your child(ren) for the program.

Our Aftercare Staff

Our new Director of School Aged Child Care for St. Mary Parish is Ana Garcia Ojeda (, and our Assistant Director is Maria Burke ( We are excited to offer our students a Director who is on mission and on fire for Christ. She provides a safe and secure environment for our students and is a familiar face for many of our families.

About St. Mary School

St. Mary School has been educating Catholic children in Delaware County since 1885.