Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is St. Mary’s faith formation program for our preschool through 5th grade students. It is a reflective-based and retreat-like program that helps our students to further encounter and develop his/her relationship with God, the Good Shepherd, in a developmentally appropriate way. It is rooted in Sacred Scripture, the Liturgy, and the educational philosophy of Maria Montessori. 

The materials and curriculum were developed by Sofia Cavalletti, a Scripture scholar, and Gianna Gobbi, a Montessorian. Through this collaboration the curriculum has richly grown to provide a curriculum that speaks to the child’s religious potential and offers an opportunity for prayer, meditation, and religious development.

This weekly opportunity is provided during the school day for children in Children’s House through 5th grade.

Students in our Children’s House have access to CGS everyday they are in the classroom, as this is integrated into their Montessori curriculum.

Our 1st through 5th grade students currently have the opportunity to attend a 90-minute CGS class one day a week.

Classes: The Prepared Environment of the Atrium

The atrium is a specially designed religious environment where children and adults come together to pray, work, and contemplate the mystery and the presence of God in our lives. The atrium is designed to meet the developmental needs of the children and provide beautiful space to share in the process of discovering the Word of God together.

The Materials

The CGS materials use hands-on materials that present central themes of our faith to the child. These materials draw the child into the mystery and encounter with the Good Shepherd. The materials are hand-made by the catechists and parent volunteers. They are simple, yet beautiful, and are set-up in an organized curriculum. The materials are divided into the following major categories:

  • The Life of Christ
  • Geography, Infancy Narratives, Paschal Narratives
  • The Liturgy and the Liturgical Year
  • The Sacraments
  • The Parables of the Kingdom
  • The Moral Parables
  • Maxims (teachings of Jesus)
  • The Good Shepherd Parable
  • Prayer and Scripture
  • Kingdom of God and Creation
  • Typology (Scripture Study for older students)

About CGS

Curious about becoming a CGS aide or a catechist? Please reach out to our Coordinator of Sacraments, Clare Galuzny at


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The Catechists

Our catechists receive special training and certification in order to serve our students, beginning with 90+ hours of coursework in order to teach ages 3-6. Catechists work as guides in the CGS atrium, assisting students to experience God through presentations about scripture and liturgy. During these presentations, they ask wondering questions that help the child to think deeply and personally about the great Truths of our Catholic faith.

Cathy Johanni

Lead Catechist

Clare Galuzny

Lead Catechist

Curious about becoming a CGS aide or a catechist? Please reach out to our Coordinator of Sacraments, Clare Galuzny at