Mum Sale Kick-Off

Mum Sale Kick-Off

August 28, 2024

Dates: August 28 – September 19

The annual SPO Mumkin Fundraiser Sale is underway! Ordering will be online until September 19. All proceeds will benefit our school through the SPO, supporting programs like the Grandparent’s Pancake Luncheon, Father/Daughter Dance, Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week, and Student Enrichment throughout the year.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to help support our school and beautify your home for the Fall season.

Order your own mumkins, mumsters, and mum refill pots now. All ordering is done online and is offered to all. Whether you have your own student link, or you’re from the general parish–everyone is welcome to order! And don’t forget…students who sell 11 items or more get to silly string Mr. Pfeifer!

How do I order?

  1. Go to
  2. Click Online Shopping and then “Quick Look Up”
  3. Enter the Parish unique web sale code (23818E) .

Mums arrive October 10 for pick up between 3:00-6:00 p.m. in the church parking lot.